Google has made access to their Destination Insights and Hotel Insights available free of charge.

Google is set to debut a trio of new tools to help hotels and destinations use search data to analyze and identify new trends in travel demand. The launch rolls out first in Asia-Pacific, where travel recovery appears to be somewhat more promising, before expansion into other regions will follow as travel recovers.

The three new tools – Destination Insights, Hotel Insights, and the Travel Analytics Center – have been added to Google’s existing line of travel advertising products. The objective is to assist those in the tourism industry to catch up on changes in travel demand by exploring the latest trends in travel searches and bookings, diving deep into service analytics that will aid in better decision-making, and mastering new digital skills that will help to grow your business.

Travel Insights Boost the Bottom Line

With the exception of the Travel Analytics Center (which enables businesses to combine their own data with that of Google and the Insights), Google has made access to their Destination Insights and Hotel Insights available free of charge.

Destination Insights tracks travel trends using recent travel search data so that businesses such as hotels can take advantage of trend comparisons, determine which destinations have the highest travel interest and growth in demand, monitor sources of incoming demand to know which international travelers are interested in the destination, and anticipate fluctuations in travel demand depending on the current global conditions.  Hotel Insights offers an extensive analysis of hotel demand so that hotels can better target their potential visitors in order to bring more guests to their doors. Hotels can benefit from valuable insights into the travelers, not only to identify those searching to stay in their areas, but also to learn where interest for their region is at its highest. Google is also providing online marketing tools and tutoring so that hotels can build a stronger digital presence, enabling them to reach more guests and drive conversion.