Cross Hotels & Resorts Announces its New CEO

Harry Thaliwal Appointed as CEO of Cross Hotels & Resorts

An internal promotion for a highly-regarded industry maestro, Harry is renowned for his disruptive thinking that has continually generated creativity and innovation across business lines.

“In essence, my key focus is on growing the business. I believe we have the right people and strategy to take the business to the next level. We are looking at pushing the boundaries from our traditional base in Southeast Asia and going further abroad. If this crisis has taught us anything it is agility. From that perspective, we are now able to quickly tailor a whole suite of new options and fresh solutions that cater to the specific individual needs of potential owners,” said Harry.

“Future growth is at the forefront and is my immediate priority but it is also equally important to inform our partners there is still a balanced approach to our business model ... Our aim is to be guardians of the environment and communities where our hotels and resorts are located. By building a network of sustainable eco-systems within our properties " he added.

Cross Hotels & Resorts currently operates 21 hotels across three distinct brands – Cross, Cross Vibe and Away – in Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia. More detailed information on each hotel and resort can be found at