Chef of the Month: Umed Singh

Eating healthy to me should be based around organic and fresh ingredients, with a focus on more plant-based produce while working around proper eating timetables.

Umed Singh is Chef de Cuisine at Soneva Kiri, where he has been working since 2017. Originally from Chandigarh in northern India, Umed’s specialties include Indian, Western, and Ayurvedic cuisine, while he is also highly adept in creating menus for plant-based, halal, and kosher diets.

Before joining the Soneva family, Chef Umed honed his skills in his native India at the Fairmont Jaipur, Oberoi Vayavilas Wildlife Resort, and The Oberoi in New Delhi.

What is your idea of 'healthy food'? And what does 'unhealthy' food look like for you?

For me the idea of healthy food starts from the farm. Are farmers producing it an organic way or using fertilizers to increase the quantity of their produce? That’s the reason why at Soneva Resorts we have our own fresh gardens where we grow our own 100% organic vegetables.

Eating healthy to me should be based around organic and fresh ingredients, with a focus on more plant-based produce while working around proper eating timetables.

To me, any food that is high in sugar, flour (gluten), red meat, processed white rice, milk products, or fried junk food can be considered unhealthy. Overeating is also something we should avoid.

What makes your food unique? How does it add value to the Soneva Kiri experience?

I like to keep my food very simple and not use too many spices. I prefer to  rely on the authentic way of cooking each and every dish with no shortcuts.

In my home country 70% of the population are vegetarian so I am used to cooking vegetarian dishes. That means I always have so many things to offer to our vegan and vegetarian guests,  plus we also cater to guests who have specific dietary requirements such as ayurvedic, sattvic, kosher, and detox.

What is the biggest challenge for you as a chef today?

When you start out as a chef, the biggest challenge is keeping yourself updated with the latest food trends, and you need to keep asking yourself what diners are really looking for these days. I always try to think about what new dishes I can create for my guests to make their dining experience at Soneva a memorable one, and make them want to come back again and again

What are your kitchen's rules?

Respect your fellow chefs, share your ideas, learn something new every day, and do not take shortcuts.

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