Accor Brings Entertainment and Education to #AllatHome Guests

Accor Brings Entertainment and Education to #AllatHome Guests

Taking the worldwide lockdown response to new levels of creativity, Accor has launched a new global digital entertainment campaign to help those who find themselves #ALLatHome

This #ALLatHome social media campaign allows people - not only Accor’s guests but everyone with access to the internet - to enjoy an immersive, informative, and inspiring content series themed around Sport, Food and Entertainment.

Ian Di Tullio, Global Senior Vice President at Accor, says: “As the world temporarily presses the pause button, we want our guests to continue living their passions in the comfort of their own homes through the unique digital experiences and content brought together by our amazing ambassadors and partners worldwide. We believe that in this period, we can all be together even while apart.”

Through its Instagram and Facebook pages, ALL will showcase exclusive content and live streams from fitness trainer-led workouts, coaching with Ken Group, exclusive interviews with Marquinhos and Marco Verratti, morning routines with Paris Saint-Germain players, training routines with double Olympic judo champion Teddy Riner, and e-sport contests with the Paris Saint-Germain Football Club

Then there will also be exclusive DJ performances including live DJ sets, a line-up of emerging artists from ibis MUSIC, exclusive content and playlists with Montreux Jazz Festival, and many more to come.

In the food category, masterclass cooking tutorials will be presented by world-leading chefs, with pastry classes from Quentin Lechat, best Parisian pastry chef in 2019, cooking classes with Pierre Sang, and contributions from many more award-winning culinary artists.